I cant believe how time has zoomed past. One moment we are still busy with all our interact stuff and the next thing we know we are in divya's house which could possibly be the last time all of us can hang out together.
These past two years was simply awesome due to the fact that I've met you people. Growing up, I was always alone being the only child. Nobody to talk to and nobody to confide my troubles to. But seriously, you guys meant alot to me. I can say I am very much lucky to find awesome friends like Maha, Div, Ailin, Darsh, Niro, Manpreet, Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Jana, Thatchu, Rudy, Sara.....
You guys have seen me laugh, cry, get pissed off and be annoying. I remember tearing up so fast and so easily many times at school. And during all those incidents, Maha, Divya, Ailin, Darsh, Niro and manpreet has never failed to comfort me. Yes somtimes I do feel like a burden to you guys but somhow you people always rested my insecurities. Everytime I get bored and start being annoying, you guys patiently tolerated all my bullshit and actually layaned me.
Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Thatchu, Rudy and Sara on the other hand were definitely a bunch of fun, loud, and dependable friends as well. Everytime i was bored or needed some small favour or another, they never ignored me and told me to go to hell. Perfect example is when Pravin patiently listens to me yapping away on the phone just so dat i dont hv to respond to some unknown strangers questions at the bank. Qusai trying to cheer me up a long time ago wen i was soo close to tears (I doubt he still rmmb's). Jana helping me out with da whole MC-ing crap. Burhan & Sara for replying my text messages wen I'm bored. haha ooo and i forgot how Qusai and Burhan kept me company during bio class wen i had no friend to sit with ;p
So I wanna make gud use of this and say a big THANK YOU to these my friends who undoubtedly made my high school life a wonderful and memorable experience. Without you guys, I'd probably be a loner who felt miserable all the time with noone to make me laugh.
As I look at the clock, I know how fast its going to be 2011 whereby each one of us are gonna be busy doing our very own thing. I know we keep saying we'll meet up, we'll do dat, we'll do this.....however, there is this nagging feeling that maybe all our plans might not work out. ANd then comes all the 'what if's'...
What If...we stray apart?
what If.....we dont see each other?
what it.....we all get too busy with our own things dat we dont even want to spare da time to meet up?
what if....we forget each other amidst meeting new friends?
Yeah the "what if's can go on and on"....And I sincerely hope that will not be the case cuz I truely loved and cherished every moment we had together even if dat meant frequent silly conversations with Qusai debating on whose word is "useless", "idiot", and "asshole".
Laughing nonsensically at whoever who says the word "come"....
Bearing with the fact dat Jana intreprets the word "teeth" as "t**s".
Rudy talking like an indian.
Bertolak ansur-ing with Qusai & Burhan whenever they start speaking in their Alien language.
Maha and her mispronounciation.
Divya denying everything we say. Ailin's hyperness.
Manpreet's vanity.
Niro's slang and cockyness (tho its kinda adorable).
Darshene's kindness.
Sara's never ceasing ready-ness to forgive me for not replying his sms-es.
Thatchu's facial expression and his jokes. Not forgetting da fact dat he looks like sundram.
Hao Jia and his humility, selflessness and cheerfulness.
Without doubt, we will be going our separate ways. We'll make new friends, Changes in our personality would definitely occur and our views and opinions might differ. However, I hope this post would remind all of us of da unique friendship we shared. Yeah I know....This might seem abit too melodramatic and all but Hey this is what I've longed to say to each one of you. SO thanks for bearing all da nonsense and I do hope u'd continue bearing even more nonsense from me ;p