Pretty much stinks :)
except for the fact that.......your away from home:)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Before starting college, I never really understood why people badly wanted to be in a relationship.
Neither did I realise 3 months into college.
Yes, I admit, I've had my series of crushes. 2 infact. None of them productive or successful. However, now that i've entered my 5th month of college, I can understand why some people get depressed due to single-hood.
Its a peer thingy. Expecially when you see so many couples around you every single day, looking all happy and mushy. Its kinda cute I admit. But I also came to realise how it unconsciously makes someone who is single feel a little left out? I dont think thats the right word. hmmm...perhaps...lonely?...erm wishful? whatever it may be, I bet you understand (I HOPE).
I guess Its not the issue of being rejected wish sort of crumbles my outer appearance but the fact that I'm not good enough. Its mainly the insecurities and not the jealousy. If I see my crush with another girl, I'm not literally dying of jealousy but the frustration of not being able to look good enough or have the sparkling personality of that girl he is with is what takes over. Of course i'm not jealous of her. pfftt..heck no. Just the wish that I wasnt such a freak who scares away people. The wish that I was Taller, Hotter and everything else.

Yeah well thats peer pressure I guess. Sooner or later, you learn to adjust to it. I sincerely hope.....
So till then, I love being single !
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A huge majority of Asians has this annoying perspective that only people who pursue a science related field are clever or considered worthy to be acknowledged. And that is utter bull. Any and every field requires the same amount of determination, hardwork and brainwork. As I decided to not take up chemisry, physics, bio and mathematics...I noticed how people made silly remarks such as..."oh yeah ur doing arts subjects, definitly damn easy to need to study and stress alot alot one.." and I sincerely feel like giving them one good kick. Wake up, there is an entire truck load of career options other than being a Doctor or an Engineer. its the 21st century for heaven's sake.....
People can be sooo prejudist.
Just because I took Law, Economics, Lit in English and Sociology, doesnt mean I'm stupid. These people honestly think these subjects are undemanding and thats very frustrating. Well let me give you a piece of insight on these subjectcs. THEY REQUIRE A CRITICAL, ANALYTICAL & CREATIVE mind to understand and respond in examination. Its not just memorizing but alot of understanding and applying. Hence, my advice to those who want to take these subjects just because you think its an easy A.....THINK AGAIN.
People can be sooo prejudist.
Just because I took Law, Economics, Lit in English and Sociology, doesnt mean I'm stupid. These people honestly think these subjects are undemanding and thats very frustrating. Well let me give you a piece of insight on these subjectcs. THEY REQUIRE A CRITICAL, ANALYTICAL & CREATIVE mind to understand and respond in examination. Its not just memorizing but alot of understanding and applying. Hence, my advice to those who want to take these subjects just because you think its an easy A.....THINK AGAIN.
Thank God
I know this is very late but..
Honest to God, its a miracle. Thank God for nice people (the girl who found my hp n returned it bak to me).
It has been proven that nice people still do xist and that God hears your prayers. God bless that girl.
Honest to God, its a miracle. Thank God for nice people (the girl who found my hp n returned it bak to me).
It has been proven that nice people still do xist and that God hears your prayers. God bless that girl.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Today is the day I lost my 5 year old handphone. Sad aint it not?
When i first realised that i hv lost it...i panicked!
As i was sitting in the train on the way home....i said to myself, its just a phone.
But now that I'm back home.....I am super sad. : (
How I wish I could miraculously get it back!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I just finished reading maha's blog and I have to agree with everything she said. Its been months since I wanted to actually blog about the friends I have and I think Its about time I actually did it.
I cant believe how time has zoomed past. One moment we are still busy with all our interact stuff and the next thing we know we are in divya's house which could possibly be the last time all of us can hang out together.
These past two years was simply awesome due to the fact that I've met you people. Growing up, I was always alone being the only child. Nobody to talk to and nobody to confide my troubles to. But seriously, you guys meant alot to me. I can say I am very much lucky to find awesome friends like Maha, Div, Ailin, Darsh, Niro, Manpreet, Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Jana, Thatchu, Rudy, Sara.....
You guys have seen me laugh, cry, get pissed off and be annoying. I remember tearing up so fast and so easily many times at school. And during all those incidents, Maha, Divya, Ailin, Darsh, Niro and manpreet has never failed to comfort me. Yes somtimes I do feel like a burden to you guys but somhow you people always rested my insecurities. Everytime I get bored and start being annoying, you guys patiently tolerated all my bullshit and actually layaned me.
Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Thatchu, Rudy and Sara on the other hand were definitely a bunch of fun, loud, and dependable friends as well. Everytime i was bored or needed some small favour or another, they never ignored me and told me to go to hell. Perfect example is when Pravin patiently listens to me yapping away on the phone just so dat i dont hv to respond to some unknown strangers questions at the bank. Qusai trying to cheer me up a long time ago wen i was soo close to tears (I doubt he still rmmb's). Jana helping me out with da whole MC-ing crap. Burhan & Sara for replying my text messages wen I'm bored. haha ooo and i forgot how Qusai and Burhan kept me company during bio class wen i had no friend to sit with ;p
So I wanna make gud use of this and say a big THANK YOU to these my friends who undoubtedly made my high school life a wonderful and memorable experience. Without you guys, I'd probably be a loner who felt miserable all the time with noone to make me laugh.
As I look at the clock, I know how fast its going to be 2011 whereby each one of us are gonna be busy doing our very own thing. I know we keep saying we'll meet up, we'll do dat, we'll do this.....however, there is this nagging feeling that maybe all our plans might not work out. ANd then comes all the 'what if's'...
What If...we stray apart?
what If.....we dont see each other?
what it.....we all get too busy with our own things dat we dont even want to spare da time to meet up?
what if....we forget each other amidst meeting new friends?
Yeah the "what if's can go on and on"....And I sincerely hope that will not be the case cuz I truely loved and cherished every moment we had together even if dat meant frequent silly conversations with Qusai debating on whose word is "useless", "idiot", and "asshole".
Laughing nonsensically at whoever who says the word "come"....
Bearing with the fact dat Jana intreprets the word "teeth" as "t**s".
Rudy talking like an indian.
Bertolak ansur-ing with Qusai & Burhan whenever they start speaking in their Alien language.
Maha and her mispronounciation.
Divya denying everything we say. Ailin's hyperness.
Manpreet's vanity.
Niro's slang and cockyness (tho its kinda adorable).
Darshene's kindness.
Sara's never ceasing ready-ness to forgive me for not replying his sms-es.
Thatchu's facial expression and his jokes. Not forgetting da fact dat he looks like sundram.
Hao Jia and his humility, selflessness and cheerfulness.
Without doubt, we will be going our separate ways. We'll make new friends, Changes in our personality would definitely occur and our views and opinions might differ. However, I hope this post would remind all of us of da unique friendship we shared. Yeah I know....This might seem abit too melodramatic and all but Hey this is what I've longed to say to each one of you. SO thanks for bearing all da nonsense and I do hope u'd continue bearing even more nonsense from me ;p
I cant believe how time has zoomed past. One moment we are still busy with all our interact stuff and the next thing we know we are in divya's house which could possibly be the last time all of us can hang out together.
These past two years was simply awesome due to the fact that I've met you people. Growing up, I was always alone being the only child. Nobody to talk to and nobody to confide my troubles to. But seriously, you guys meant alot to me. I can say I am very much lucky to find awesome friends like Maha, Div, Ailin, Darsh, Niro, Manpreet, Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Jana, Thatchu, Rudy, Sara.....
You guys have seen me laugh, cry, get pissed off and be annoying. I remember tearing up so fast and so easily many times at school. And during all those incidents, Maha, Divya, Ailin, Darsh, Niro and manpreet has never failed to comfort me. Yes somtimes I do feel like a burden to you guys but somhow you people always rested my insecurities. Everytime I get bored and start being annoying, you guys patiently tolerated all my bullshit and actually layaned me.
Qusai, Pravin, Burhan, Thatchu, Rudy and Sara on the other hand were definitely a bunch of fun, loud, and dependable friends as well. Everytime i was bored or needed some small favour or another, they never ignored me and told me to go to hell. Perfect example is when Pravin patiently listens to me yapping away on the phone just so dat i dont hv to respond to some unknown strangers questions at the bank. Qusai trying to cheer me up a long time ago wen i was soo close to tears (I doubt he still rmmb's). Jana helping me out with da whole MC-ing crap. Burhan & Sara for replying my text messages wen I'm bored. haha ooo and i forgot how Qusai and Burhan kept me company during bio class wen i had no friend to sit with ;p
So I wanna make gud use of this and say a big THANK YOU to these my friends who undoubtedly made my high school life a wonderful and memorable experience. Without you guys, I'd probably be a loner who felt miserable all the time with noone to make me laugh.
As I look at the clock, I know how fast its going to be 2011 whereby each one of us are gonna be busy doing our very own thing. I know we keep saying we'll meet up, we'll do dat, we'll do this.....however, there is this nagging feeling that maybe all our plans might not work out. ANd then comes all the 'what if's'...
What If...we stray apart?
what If.....we dont see each other?
what it.....we all get too busy with our own things dat we dont even want to spare da time to meet up?
what if....we forget each other amidst meeting new friends?
Yeah the "what if's can go on and on"....And I sincerely hope that will not be the case cuz I truely loved and cherished every moment we had together even if dat meant frequent silly conversations with Qusai debating on whose word is "useless", "idiot", and "asshole".
Laughing nonsensically at whoever who says the word "come"....
Bearing with the fact dat Jana intreprets the word "teeth" as "t**s".
Rudy talking like an indian.
Bertolak ansur-ing with Qusai & Burhan whenever they start speaking in their Alien language.
Maha and her mispronounciation.
Divya denying everything we say. Ailin's hyperness.
Manpreet's vanity.
Niro's slang and cockyness (tho its kinda adorable).
Darshene's kindness.
Sara's never ceasing ready-ness to forgive me for not replying his sms-es.
Thatchu's facial expression and his jokes. Not forgetting da fact dat he looks like sundram.
Hao Jia and his humility, selflessness and cheerfulness.
Without doubt, we will be going our separate ways. We'll make new friends, Changes in our personality would definitely occur and our views and opinions might differ. However, I hope this post would remind all of us of da unique friendship we shared. Yeah I know....This might seem abit too melodramatic and all but Hey this is what I've longed to say to each one of you. SO thanks for bearing all da nonsense and I do hope u'd continue bearing even more nonsense from me ;p
And with that, I wish you all a Happy New Year!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Expatriate's are not slaves......dont discriminate or treat them badly.
You know what really sickens me? The fact that many people think they have the right to mistreat an expatriate.
A fine Example which actually took place:
I was sitting in Moden a few months back during the free time I had before tution. And it so happened that there was a water supply cut and the whole area did not have any access to water. SO moden being a eating corner and all, WATER is essential.
Cuz without water, you cant wash plates and stuff and all......
So in order to overcome this problem, I think the owner gave the order to his workers to serve food in polystyrene plates and drinks in those disposable cups.
(Anyone who ever went and had a makan session in Moden near the Sunita area would clearly know that all the workers there are mostly from India and Indonesia.)
So here I was with my friend, just having a normal meal when this guy walks in and sits at the table in front of me and orders for a teh tarik. When the waiter brings his teh tarik, this guy starts harassing the workers. The whole entire issue was that, the polystyrene cups they were using to serve drinks were smaller than the usual glass, hence the quantity is less but the price remains the same.
I mean dude, seriously try and understand the situation here. There is no water supply, and the workers cant make any decision of their own. They HAVE to follow the orders given to them by their boss. The most infuriating part is when this guy starts scolding the poor waiter who must have been new to the job and doesnt even know how to communicate properly in Malay.
If he had some issues over a RM 1.20 teh tarik being served in a smaller quantity, for heaven's sake go find the boss (who usually sits near the counter). Can you just try and put yourself in the shoes of these poor people. They come to a foreign land with hopes of making money so that they can support their families back home. Though you dont seem to see the hardship faced by these people, it is present. Just cuz you see them joking around and smiling doesnt mean that they dont have worries and hardship.
I know this whole post seems soo fulled with rubbish...gramatically not perfect or watever...but i just hope u atleast understand why I feel the way I feel on this issue.
A fine Example which actually took place:
I was sitting in Moden a few months back during the free time I had before tution. And it so happened that there was a water supply cut and the whole area did not have any access to water. SO moden being a eating corner and all, WATER is essential.
Cuz without water, you cant wash plates and stuff and all......
So in order to overcome this problem, I think the owner gave the order to his workers to serve food in polystyrene plates and drinks in those disposable cups.
(Anyone who ever went and had a makan session in Moden near the Sunita area would clearly know that all the workers there are mostly from India and Indonesia.)
So here I was with my friend, just having a normal meal when this guy walks in and sits at the table in front of me and orders for a teh tarik. When the waiter brings his teh tarik, this guy starts harassing the workers. The whole entire issue was that, the polystyrene cups they were using to serve drinks were smaller than the usual glass, hence the quantity is less but the price remains the same.
I mean dude, seriously try and understand the situation here. There is no water supply, and the workers cant make any decision of their own. They HAVE to follow the orders given to them by their boss. The most infuriating part is when this guy starts scolding the poor waiter who must have been new to the job and doesnt even know how to communicate properly in Malay.
If he had some issues over a RM 1.20 teh tarik being served in a smaller quantity, for heaven's sake go find the boss (who usually sits near the counter). Can you just try and put yourself in the shoes of these poor people. They come to a foreign land with hopes of making money so that they can support their families back home. Though you dont seem to see the hardship faced by these people, it is present. Just cuz you see them joking around and smiling doesnt mean that they dont have worries and hardship.
Us who are living in such luxury, leading a very lucullan lifestyle seem to overlook some of the basic values which are important to be practiced. Discrimination and Supression isnt somthing which we should take on. Much to my dissapointment, these are the very values practiced by many teenagers and children. That guy whom I just told you about (the one who was scolding the waiter)....well, he is just 18.
My point is, just because we are in more better situation than some people, (who expecially are foreigners to this country)....we shouldnt forget that we are all equal. WE breath the same air, My blood is not gold and you blood aint silver....its all just a bunch of blood cells in plasma. So next time, before you get all consumed with anger and decide to go screw aomeone verbally (expecially if they are foreigners trying to make a living), think twice and ask yourself how you would fell if you were treated so badly.
I know this whole post seems soo fulled with rubbish...gramatically not perfect or watever...but i just hope u atleast understand why I feel the way I feel on this issue.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Adam Lambert Concert ♥
Did you hear it? Did you hear it???????
The wait is finally over!
ADAM LAMBERT is coming down to MALAYSIA as part of his asian tour!!!!!
The wait is finally over!
ADAM LAMBERT is coming down to MALAYSIA as part of his asian tour!!!!!
Just when i thought things couldnt possibly get any better.....Since the moment Adam Lambert made it big on American Idol, I was hoping he'd include Malaysia as part of his concert tour in the future. And look at it, its happening! The "Glam Nation Tour live in Malaysia 2010" is scheduled to take place on the 14th of October at Putra Indoor Stadium!
Now all i hope is that fanatic ppl whom all of noe wld not cause trouble by raising small, insignificant issues and cause this concert to be canceled. I just hope my parents let me go for this concert cuz i'm dieing to see him on stage. I just hope that they wldnt use the issue of SPM as a reason not to let me go. haizzz..
Anyway lets just hope that the concert gets the greenlight and is confirmed and then i'll just hv to do my best in getting tickets!.
so till then, i'll keep my fingers crossed, hoping and praying my dream would come true.
I love you Adam Lambert ♥
Friday, July 30, 2010
Love The Way You Lie

As Eminem is back with his new album, "Recovery", the whole world is getting hooked on the song Love the way You lie featuring Rihanna. I would say this is one of the rare songs whereby Rihanna doesnt whine in her singing & she sounds real good. Me, being me took up the challenge of rapping and singing Love The Way You lie. I took about 2 hours to master the rap craft and was vain enough to record it.
I honestly dont know why I adore him soo much. But I can assure you that if Eminem comes down to Malaysia, I would fight may way to get the mosh pit tickets. And i'd do watever it takes to meet him. He inspires me more than anyone else. So with that, Lets all drink a glass of champagne to Eminem's continuous success. ~Cheers~
love the way you lie,
Monday, July 19, 2010
I will not let my blog die
I will not let this blog die.... haih.
sadly, i'm so caught up with exams, folios and all that shit to bother blogging of all things.
my head is empty i tell u. with no interesting stuff watsoever.
not like my blog was interesting in the first place but watever.
i think da only reason y i keep a blog is so dat i cld write some rubbish and hear my friends opinions.
guess dats why mr. marc raphael parrikal keep deleting his blog and creating a new one.
It's like, wen u dont have a blog, u get all these really cool ideas which u want others to read.
but once u have a blog, your like.....great, wat to blog now?
sometimes while i'm in my room i get this inspiration to blog abt a certain topic but by the time i login to blogspot, the ideas seems to have evaporated...and i'd be like....where da heck did all those words in my brain go to?
MY point: I WILL NOT LET MY BLOG DIE, probably cuz QUSAI JAMALI says it will. (i'm a rebel)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Convent, a part of destiny..
i'm sure everyone has experienced moments like these...
with just a group of friends doing crazy stuff, candid pics, and joking around.
I personally feel soo blessed for having such great friends whom i can depend on and trust. So I thank fate, destiny and everything else which brought us together. It might have just been written in the stars that we were meant to be.
(to all you male peeps, i noe u guys arent in da vid. sry its cuz da whole vid is themed arnd CONVENT but do rmmb dat we treasure u soo much too boys)
so with that, heres a video put together by maha with all the love and inspiration she could find. Trust me it wasn't a piece of cake. So all credits go to her.
love all you people. My 5 years in convent wld probably be the best and most memorable times of my life.
with just a group of friends doing crazy stuff, candid pics, and joking around.
I personally feel soo blessed for having such great friends whom i can depend on and trust. So I thank fate, destiny and everything else which brought us together. It might have just been written in the stars that we were meant to be.
(to all you male peeps, i noe u guys arent in da vid. sry its cuz da whole vid is themed arnd CONVENT but do rmmb dat we treasure u soo much too boys)
so with that, heres a video put together by maha with all the love and inspiration she could find. Trust me it wasn't a piece of cake. So all credits go to her.
love all you people. My 5 years in convent wld probably be the best and most memorable times of my life.
~Once a conventanian, always a conventanian~
schooling days
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My 2 month challenge
My dad says that I have no general knowledge whatsoever and therefore tells me that I shouldnt be stubborn to do law. My answer (i never voice it out but it plays in my mind) to that is.
Your somewhat wrong father. I do have general knowledge. Maybe not the exact information which you know of but perhaps on other issues. I do read newsweek and times but that doesnt mean i should be remembering every single detail in it. I have enough time before I start drowning myself with political knowledge. What I read may seem irrelevant to you but it is somthing you have no clue about.
I am still headstrong to do law and I hope I would be a kick ass lawyer one day who is high in demand. Not to forget a fashionable one too. :P
Your somewhat wrong father. I do have general knowledge. Maybe not the exact information which you know of but perhaps on other issues. I do read newsweek and times but that doesnt mean i should be remembering every single detail in it. I have enough time before I start drowning myself with political knowledge. What I read may seem irrelevant to you but it is somthing you have no clue about.
I am still headstrong to do law and I hope I would be a kick ass lawyer one day who is high in demand. Not to forget a fashionable one too. :P
Learning Chapter 7 of History today, I was inspired to read through the Perlembagaan Malaysia. Yes, i'm serious and i'm not doing it for ego's sake. I want to read it for I'm very much interested, Therefore, I'm challenging myself to finish reading the Malaysian Constitution in 2 months.
Hopefully Google would be helpful in my pursuit.
However I shall refrain myself from commenting about what I have read for i wouldnt want to be thrown into YOU-KNOW-WHERE. lolz
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Mr. Sundram
I was arranging my bio notes (Mr Sundram's notes) when i saw da front page of his notes no 1. It has his fb account thingy on it! me being such a true kepochi....i hurry to the computer, log into facebook and type out SUNDERALINGAM VELLASAMY. hehe.....and in an instant i was in his fb page. with so much excitement, i click on the ADD AS FRIEND button. then, i decided to go thru his pics....hahaha...and then i realised wat an awesome teacher he is though i can bet u dat he doesnt noe all his students names, it doesnt matter.
He has the passion for Bio and thus makes his classes so very interesting. Lets just see if he accepts my request. LOL. I am officially a MR SUNDRAM groupie. hahhaa.
He has the passion for Bio and thus makes his classes so very interesting. Lets just see if he accepts my request. LOL. I am officially a MR SUNDRAM groupie. hahhaa.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
GYM Hottie
Today after soo long, i decided to hit the guym as many many many people had told me that i have put on lots of weight and that i shloud work out. Feeling abit inspired to get into shape, the moment i got back home from Highschool IU Day, i changed and got ready to hit the gym near my house at the club house.
As soon as I signed my name in the facility usage book, i almost ran into da gym room ready to jump onto the nearest treadmill. So here i was standing on the treadmill, pushing all these buttons but much to my fustration, it wasn't working. God alone knows why. Not letting this damp my spirit, i got onto the next machine which isnt exactly a treadmill but i dont know the name of it so yeah whatever la. Thankfully, it worked. SO here i was burning calories....(i burnt 100 cal buy then) when this really gorgous white guy walked in. I was like....damn! Why did he have to see me wwhen i'm all sweaty. Not wanting to seem like i was staring, i casually glanced at him and looked away. Damn, he had a gorgeous gody. Ohh those biceps.....hahhahahaha
He walked around for awhile, glancing here and there..then he started selecting a few dumbells which looked huge. hahahha...He took his own sweet time flexing his muscles n all...Daymnnnnn...hawtnesss
haha....yeah we smiled....said hi n all...small talk...hehehe.. after like around 1 hour of working out, my muscles were aching and i didnt want to make a fool out of myslef by remaining there and doing i said bye and walked back home. lolz. (sry, i'm just way to excited when i think of how hot he was that i'm incapable of blogging abt it. )
Anyway, You can definitly be seeing me heading for the gym more frequently from now on..hahah ♥.
As soon as I signed my name in the facility usage book, i almost ran into da gym room ready to jump onto the nearest treadmill. So here i was standing on the treadmill, pushing all these buttons but much to my fustration, it wasn't working. God alone knows why. Not letting this damp my spirit, i got onto the next machine which isnt exactly a treadmill but i dont know the name of it so yeah whatever la. Thankfully, it worked. SO here i was burning calories....(i burnt 100 cal buy then) when this really gorgous white guy walked in. I was like....damn! Why did he have to see me wwhen i'm all sweaty. Not wanting to seem like i was staring, i casually glanced at him and looked away. Damn, he had a gorgeous gody. Ohh those biceps.....hahhahahaha
He walked around for awhile, glancing here and there..then he started selecting a few dumbells which looked huge. hahahha...He took his own sweet time flexing his muscles n all...Daymnnnnn...hawtnesss
haha....yeah we smiled....said hi n all...small talk...hehehe.. after like around 1 hour of working out, my muscles were aching and i didnt want to make a fool out of myslef by remaining there and doing i said bye and walked back home. lolz. (sry, i'm just way to excited when i think of how hot he was that i'm incapable of blogging abt it. )
Anyway, You can definitly be seeing me heading for the gym more frequently from now on..hahah ♥.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Response to Recycled pick-up lines
Have you ever got sick of people trying to flirt with you? I mean....Flirting once in a while is deemed normal. I know I have. Sometimes it can get very annoying when people walk up to your face and start reciting cheesy, recycled pick-up lines. Here are some quirky responses...
He: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
She: Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore.
He: I know how to please a woman.
She: Then please leave me alone.
He: I want to give myself to you.
She: Sorry, I don't accept cheap gifts.
He: I'd go through anything for you.
She: Good! Let's start with your bank account.
He: What`s it like being the most beautiful girl in the bar?
She: What`s it like being the biggest liar in the world?
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